
Showing posts from August, 2023

The weather is just very strange now...

At the beginning of the week it was really nice weather! Had a short bike ride :) And Etepetet arrived  And look whoe else arrived! Mom looking very cool in her new helmet and the bike 😏😏 Had a bike ride with Henri :) crossing the Rhein And in the evening the lightshow in Karlsruhe! Was very cool Then I took mom for another bike ride (yes I know we do that a lot) Got to the top of the hill! Totally worth it for the view We even went to the lake :) In the evening I worked on the chess board and look what I did! Can you see the mistake?  So I had to scrub half the letters off: And now it is finally done! (well the lettering, it will still be oiled) 3 days later onto the next bike ride... Snack break! And went to see Omer perform at the University. Didn't know he is so good! And that is it for now. Studying for exams and Lino will be back on Wednesday :)  

Rainy Karlsruhe

Getting ready to go out Going to Badminton :) This is a pamplemousse! We got it in the veggie box :) Chilis finally growing!  Just another pic of my bike cause its so cool Math exam! Woohoo But we had friends over so that makes it nice :) Booking private courts with some friends for the summer And we had a very good bike tour ;) And a walk :) And this is what my legs look like when I run after it rained :0