
Showing posts from September, 2023

Ok a lot happened...

I think this hat is a bit too small... Made the BEST curry ever (it had peanut butter in it) (and yes I have told everyone about it) On our way to the triathlon! Off they go! First transition  And first snack after the race! We also had friends over for supper :) I went to visit Hadar in Paris! We had some interesting basil mocktails :0 (Tasted good though) Obviously on a rooftop restaurant  Then came back to Karlsruhe for Linos birthday! :) I got him a frying pan because he has been wanting one for a while 😅 Then off to Berlin! First to Lino's House This is shopping for one meal: For a fancy 8 course meal for Lino's grandparents  This was my fancy meal! A tofu, pumpkins and dried tomato sandwich 😏😏 Next day, more cooking = use every available bowl I whisked eggs for 45 minutes  Tortellini station Next to the praline station  All the plates and bowls needed for the meal The "amuse bouche" was served separately (on the balcony) And then the "cooks" welcome

A bit of a toptsi turvy week

The view from the kitchen :) The plant is grooowing Then got some bad news 😕 which made the week a bit difficult  I like these pictures :) But Lino came back 😊 We went to the lake and that was nice  And watched Star Wars! (Not my favourite movie I have to say) Since the weather was SO nice I studied in the park almost every day this week That's the cloth that Tata gave me :) And look how blue the sky was!  And this rice was very purple (the only way I could cook beetroot) And another view from out kitchen :)