
Showing posts from November, 2023


Tracing the whole thing took a looong time but not as long as the embroidery will take😂 Ded came over for supper :) This is the state of me understanding physics right now... And I went to Paris! Look at Hadar 😲😲 And I finally gave her the embroidery :) I think she was excited ;) Especially with her GIANT cake We also went to the museum of Inventions and I recognised lots of things from university: These were just some cool pictures And had a french lunch in a french cafe😏😏 Final little picture before I went back home :)  


The present from Annika, Thomas and Henri for our birthdays :) Started to build a frame for the embroidery  Shabbat supper at Omer's ( the challah was good, not burnt!) Supper at home :) This peanut curry was SO good Badminton with our friends :) And supper again 😜 Got the ingredients for cookies! And I finished the embroidery with the frame 😁😁 And off to bake like one thousand cookies with Thomas and Henri! Thomas and I were very good at our jobs After about 5 hours looking a bit tired But done! After 7 hours in the kitchen😂 Made this italian courgette dish, sort of a bit baked pancake which we really liked   And I am starting a new embroidery :) Baked (frozen from the supermarket) Brötchen for Badminton Spieltag: And I got a sweater from the team! :)