
The present from Annika, Thomas and Henri for our birthdays :)

Started to build a frame for the embroidery 

Shabbat supper at Omer's ( the challah was good, not burnt!)

Supper at home :)

This peanut curry was SO good

Badminton with our friends :)

And supper again 😜

Got the ingredients for cookies!

And I finished the embroidery with the frame 😁😁

And off to bake like one thousand cookies with Thomas and Henri!

Thomas and I were very good at our jobs

After about 5 hours looking a bit tired

But done! After 7 hours in the kitchen😂

Made this italian courgette dish, sort of a bit baked pancake which we really liked  

And I am starting a new embroidery :)

Baked (frozen from the supermarket) Brötchen for Badminton Spieltag:

And I got a sweater from the team! :)



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