Time for a Parisian wedding!

Hadar: "We're getting married on the 27th of January. Want to come?"
Abi: "Ummm, duh!"

Thursday the 25.01.2024:
Trying out different dresses: 

What dress do you wear to your wedding???

Found it!

Ben arrives in Paris!

Lino and Abi came by train and were so stressed that the train wouldn't go that no pictures were taken... but they did arrive.

The big day!

Everyone getting ready at Hadar and Brahim's place: 

By that I mean waiting for Hadar:

Abi was given the job of photographer and took her job very seriously...

We made it out of the house!

Very fancy 3-course lunch with a view!

Lunch also included a nap:

On the way to Saint Denis Town Hall:
By now Hadar had already changed dresses and coats twice:

Walking "down the aisle" to the town hall;

With Brahim and Lino leading the way

Arrived at Saint-Denis Town Hall!

Time for family photoshoot!

Ben and Abi joined Hadar' nap:

Just kidding, too excited!

The five of us together!

And the happy couple :)

The whole family! (Who were able to be there)
(If we had the whole family there, they wouldn't fit into one frame)

Time to get married!

Walking up the stairs to the hall...

Now it's time for the proper walk down the aisle:

Listening to the speech:

A bit difficult to hold back the tears:

The crowd:

Signing the marriage document:

It's official!

The witnesses also signed:

And exchange of the rings!

Family photoshoot time (again)!

With Brahim's mother too :)

And everyone else too!

All done!

And off to the next place!

By now people didn't hold bath their grins: 

Cheers to the married couple!

The camera suited Ben (a new potential profession?)

Time to go home

The next day:

Bye to Ben!

Some final pictures before Lino and Abi also left:

We wish all the best to Hadar, Brahim and their upcoming little surprise! 
More picture coming out soon! 


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