Cycling, cycling and more cycling!

Got some new sunglasses for my birthday😜

On Saturday we had a day trip with Henri as preperation for our trip the week after

This has to be the mose expensive picture on my phone:

The views were so nice!

And we found some really nice places for breaks

The three bike-eteers!

Then on Tuesday Lino and I left for our trip:

Day 1: 
Goal: Karlsruhe to Ettenheim 
145 km, 1400 m elevation

Lino had a backpack and I had a saddlebag

The views were very nice!

Of course, since it's Baden Württemberg, there had to be hills.

Those hills in the distance, that's were we were going

Got to the top!

Had a break somewhere, I don't know where... 

The view from our second break


The route is the "Weinradweg" so we were cycling through all the wine hills of the South

Got to the top!

Then I stopped taking pictures because it was getting late and we still had to get to the hotel
 Got to store our bikes there:

And then had a nice supper, which was 50m from the hotel so we were very happy

Good night!

Day 2:
Goal: Ettenheim -> Basel 
140 km, 1400 m elevation (but I swear it felt like more)

But first, breakfast!

The first helping: 

2nd portion

3rd portion

Just one more portion

and then we were off!
I don't know how Lino got into the bike, but he did.

We stopped in a little village to get some bread

 Most of the places we cycled through                                               looked like this

And the sky was so blue!

Obviously there were more hills

And we ate literally everything

 On we go to the next hill

And down the next one

As you can see, the sun is setting...

So here we decided to go a flatter route directly to Basel

We arrived!

And had a buffet supper which was SO good
There is a chain of vegetarian buffet restaurants called "tibits" in Switzerland, that was very cool.
But very expensive.

This is was Basel looked like in the evening

Last day!

Goal: Basel -> as far as we can go 

Obviously first breakfast

This time I also had a few more helpings...

The route was totally flat, even down hill most of the time and we had wind from the back, so perfect conditions.

This section was literaly straight for 58 km, so that got a bit boring.


We were cycling on the French side for the whole day so when it started getting dark we crossed over the Rhein

And took the train home from Bühl :)

The end!



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