
Showing posts from June, 2024

Real student life

Do you understand what he wrote there? Cause I don't (This is Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik, after some practice I do think I understand) Did an allergy test, had no idea how they do it. Was at first very amused by the process. The nurse said she'd be back in 15 minutes so I thought "ok, I'll just chill" but then my arm started burning, so it was no so chill Turns out I have quite a few allergies, 15/16 to be precise. No wonder I sneeze all year long.  The meeting to analyse the results is in 2 weeks time. Anni and I continue to share weekly recipes :) this one was very nice! This was in Fluiddynamik, I really like the professor, he shows examples of the concepts that we are learning. Here he is showing how a ball in a whirlpool gets pushed to the bottom, that's why it is so dangerous when people land up in whirlpools because you get pulled down into the water. Apparently you have to let yourself be pulled down and then swim to the side. Good to know if I