Real student life

Do you understand what he wrote there? Cause I don't
(This is Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik, after some practice I do think I understand)

Did an allergy test, had no idea how they do it. Was at first very amused by the process.

The nurse said she'd be back in 15 minutes so I thought "ok, I'll just chill" but then my arm started burning, so it was no so chill
Turns out I have quite a few allergies, 15/16 to be precise. No wonder I sneeze all year long. 
The meeting to analyse the results is in 2 weeks time.

Anni and I continue to share weekly recipes :) this one was very nice!

This was in Fluiddynamik, I really like the professor, he shows examples of the concepts that we are learning.
Here he is showing how a ball in a whirlpool gets pushed to the bottom, that's why it is so dangerous when people land up in whirlpools because you get pulled down into the water. Apparently you have to let yourself be pulled down and then swim to the side. Good to know if I ever land up in a whirlpool.

Integrating more snacks into the day has really helped me stay energised and gain some weight :)

And I also made mango colada's for our game night ;) (but without alcohol so it was basically just a tasty mango drink) 
It was so refreshing! (for the two hot days here in Karlsruhe, the rest is just rain)

I spent quite some time trying to understand the voting system in Karlsruhe, I got to vote for the EU parliament (1 vote) and the Karlsruhe Landkreis (48 votes!)
That's why I did the Briefwahl, so that I could take my time and not have to calculate how many votes I had already crossed off in the booth. I made my votes and sent them off a week before the actual voting day.

Henri's sister came to visit and we had supper and played some games. 
She has a histamine allergy and wooow, that must be really hard. We tried to make everything safe but in the end the only food she could eat was what Henri brought.

This is how crazy the posters were getting in Karlsruhe for the elections. The posters were everywhere!

On Sunday we made granola bars :)
Since Lino and I need snacks quite often during sports and such, we eat quite a few granola bars. I don't like having to throw away so much packaging, so I want to try to make a batch every 2 weeks or so and wrap them in beeswax so we can reuse the packaging. 
I think they look quite nice!

We got a beeswax packaging kit from Anja last year, to make them ourrself. I thought it would be a bit difficult but it was so easy! They all came out so quickly. 
Basically, you melt beeswax (the bowl in the pot) and spread a thin layer on the cloth. Then you place it between two layers of parchment paper and iron it so that the beeswax is evenly coated, and your done!


The final product :)
This way we can eat them when cycling too, because you just open it, no need to rip or remove any rubber bands. 

June is pride month in Karlsuhe! The parade was really impressive! Even in the rain everyone was in such a good mood, it was very nice.

Then Anni and I had a little necklace making session, it was very nice to just chat and I have find making necklaces very therapeutic for me at the moment. 

My necklace :) A bit colourful, but that is also nice. 

I have set myself to not have muesli every single morning of the week because it is good to change things up a bit, so on Sunday I made crepes! 

Some savoury and some sweet :)
Definitely inspired by the trip to Paris the week before.

And a little plant update!
The basil is growing :0
Can't wait to make pesto!

This is the state of the parsley, a bit of a mess but that is not a problem. More parsley for us then :)

There was a little fair in Karlsruhe with a small rollercoaster and some other things. 
I persuaded Lino to go with me and we went with Joshi and a friend of his. 
Joshi and Lino decided to take "the ride of death"
No way did I join them on that.

If you zoom in you can see how much Lino is enjoying himself. Crazy guy.

Back in the lectures, sometimes we cannot read a word of what the professor is writing. Very helpful indeed.

Lino and I also ate at the uni mensa for the first time! Ooops, we might have never gone.
It is really a very impressive mensa, but it is so full that we barely got to the next lectures on time. 
They have 12 different lines with one vegan line and multiple vegetarian ones. Then there is also pizza and currywurst (even a vegan one). And the meals are also quite cheap.

We then travelled to Berlin! With some delay but we made it.
Had Ded's carrot juice. Definitely an experience. 

I came with two bags and left with four. Typical Abi

Had a picnic with Lino's friends for Arne's birthday :)

Was great weather

And then we went back to Karlsuhe!
Short but sweet

Finished my book, kind of sad, it was very good. 
And I made, for Lino and I, the arguably best sandwiches. I am willing to make it again to prove anyone wrong. 

We got home and I unpacked my bowl :)
See the resemblance?

On Wednesday (the 12th of June) I woke up at 6:00 to go to university and get taken in a bus to Frankfurt

To go to Achema!
It's the world's leading congress for chemistry processes. 

It was huuuge.
12 halls, this was one of them. You can' see how huge it was but it was huge.

We saw so much stuff, no way did we see everything, you need a week for that.

Had some conversations with interesting companies

I thought this way funny because I don't understand a single word on the sign. It says "Sensor Lensring Gasket with 1 Thermocouple and 2 Pressure Transmitters"
Aha, yeah sure I know what that is.

It seems that every big company now has these robo dogs, they are quite impressive.
They can be used to sniff out in places where dangerous gases could have leaked or used to check and regulate technical things in process plants, instead of humans having to do it.

Siemens obviously had a huge stand, there were like 100 screens in a 20 square metre area.
But they are doing some really cool stuff. One was making qr codes for technical products, which show you where the product came from, how to repair it, if it is possible to repair it and etc. Then people can maybe make better decisions on what they buy.
They are also supporting 3 companies working on taking plastic garbage and reforming it back to fossil fuels! That is so cool

Got back with a lot of flyers and pamphlets.
Thinking of trying out a hiwi job or something like that at Planting, a company that builds and optimises processing plants. 

Then I made a copious amount of noodles, but I don't think Lino minded.

We also went to Ikea and got a hotdog (not the main reason for us to go to Ikea, but if we're there)

And I had to do an emergency bike repair, I guess it's good to keep up the practice.

Then Lino and I went to the theater :)
Not a good picture but I didn't want to attract attention. 
It was a really sweet play, done by students from the KIT!
"The Servant of Two Masters"
Very funny.

They even had an intermission with drinks and pretzels :)

Then we quickly headed to the unifest, it's a festival held in the university every year.
Very loud but the band was good and we met basically everyone we know.

So that wasn't all in one week obviously, more like three weeks.
We did quite a few things!
Uni is going quite well for now, lot's to do but I have been quite focused so I am glad.



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