
Showing posts from October, 2023

Waking up at 6 in the morning is not fun, but it was probably worth it

Had some time to try to understand whats going on in Israel: Annika and Thomas came over :) Next day I started my internship! This is the wind tunnel in the Institute from the inside: This is an automated milling machine My workstation: Little LED project to practice soldering I also designed my own circuit board This is the simulation to see if it works: And then 3D! Lino was also hard at work: This is the wind tunnel from the side, the computers control everything inside Inside are models that are tested at high wind speeds My workstation again These cables took a whole day And then I got so see plasma! (It's that purple line) And what I did worked! (Cause there's a green light) Also got the circuit board cut out And added some little LEDs ;) Lino also still hard at work While I built a robot 😂 Then Friday! I was so tired  

Cycling, cycling and more cycling!

Got some new sunglasses for my birthday😜 On Saturday we had a day trip with Henri as preperation for our trip the week after This has to be the mose expensive picture on my phone: The views were so nice! And we found some really nice places for breaks The three bike-eteers! Then on Tuesday Lino and I left for our trip: Day 1:  Goal: Karlsruhe to Ettenheim  145 km, 1400 m elevation Lino had a backpack and I had a saddlebag The views were very nice! Of course, since it's Baden Württemberg, there had to be hills. Those hills in the distance, that's were we were going Got to the top! Had a break somewhere, I don't know where...  The view from our second break Cliffbars! The route is the "Weinradweg" so we were cycling through all the wine hills of the South Got to the top! Then I stopped taking pictures because it was getting late and we still had to get to the hotel  Got to store our bikes there: And then had a nice supper, which was 50m from the hotel so we were ve