Waking up at 6 in the morning is not fun, but it was probably worth it

Had some time to try to understand whats going on in Israel:

Annika and Thomas came over :)

Next day I started my internship!
This is the wind tunnel in the Institute from the inside:

This is an automated milling machine

My workstation:

Little LED project to practice soldering

I also designed my own circuit board

This is the simulation to see if it works:

And then 3D!

Lino was also hard at work:

This is the wind tunnel from the side, the computers control everything inside

Inside are models that are tested at high wind speeds

My workstation again

These cables took a whole day

And then I got so see plasma! (It's that purple line)

And what I did worked! (Cause there's a green light)

Also got the circuit board cut out

And added some little LEDs ;)

Lino also still hard at work

While I built a robot 😂

Then Friday! I was so tired



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