
Showing posts from February, 2024

January / February Update

   Tried a few new recipes : Peanut African Stew:  (Really good) Vegan seitan burgers: (Less good): Really really not good But our friends still had a good burger :) (from Lidl) This was also good! I caramelised a lot of vegetables in the pan and it turned out very nice I also found the perfect mug! Oh and I cooked some more... oops This is what happens when I don't really know what I want to make so I just start cooking: I thought this was funny: This is Lino's "snack" before Badminton. Not lunch, he had lunch. Snack: Again, this blog is just about food apparently, but we tried this vegan tuna.  Was not very impressive, basically expensive soja in a can. But this was vegan tuna salad made from chickpeas and was surprisingly good! (I had to try lots of recipes to use up the vegan mayonnaise that we had from the burger night) My successful BeReal: We gave Annika and Thomas the macarons that we bought in Paris and they really liked them :) Can't see it but they were

Time for a Parisian wedding!

09.01.2024: Hadar: "We're getting married on the 27th of January. Want to come?" Abi: "Ummm, duh!" Thursday the 25.01.2024: Trying out different dresses:  What dress do you wear to your wedding??? Found it! 26.01.2024:  Ben arrives in Paris! Lino and Abi came by train and were so stressed that the train wouldn't go that no pictures were taken... but they did arrive. 27.01.2024:  The big day! Everyone getting ready at Hadar and Brahim's place:  By that I mean waiting for Hadar: Abi was given the job of photographer and took her job very seriously... 11:15: We made it out of the house! 12:00: Very fancy 3-course lunch with a view! 13:45: Lunch also included a nap: 14:45: On the way to Saint Denis Town Hall: By now Hadar had already changed dresses and coats twice: Walking "down the aisle" to the town hall; With Brahim and Lino leading the way 15:00: Arrived at Saint-Denis Town Hall! 15:15: Time for family photoshoot! Ben and Abi joined Hadar'