January / February Update


Tried a few new recipes :

Peanut African Stew:  (Really good)

Vegan seitan burgers: (Less good):

Really really not good

But our friends still had a good burger :) (from Lidl)

This was also good! I caramelised a lot of vegetables in the pan and it turned out very nice

I also found the perfect mug!

Oh and I cooked some more... oops
This is what happens when I don't really know what I want to make so I just start cooking:

I thought this was funny:
This is Lino's "snack" before Badminton. Not lunch, he had lunch. Snack:

Again, this blog is just about food apparently, but we tried this vegan tuna. 
Was not very impressive, basically expensive soja in a can.

But this was vegan tuna salad made from chickpeas and was surprisingly good!
(I had to try lots of recipes to use up the vegan mayonnaise that we had from the burger night)

My successful BeReal:

We gave Annika and Thomas the macarons that we bought in Paris and they really liked them :)
Can't see it but they were trying each flavour very meticulously. 

Lino, Henri and I had a mini bike tour :)

And Lino and I started working on the finishing the chess board! (Remember this project, will still be working on that for a while)

We have to cut out each figurine in felt to line the inside of the chessboard:

I just wanted to show off my amazing slice of bread with hummus and brussel sprouts:

Henri made a bread for us, which was really nice :)
The loaf was huuuge, I am trying to demonstrate by comparing it to my hand:

Lino and I also installed a new lamp in the kitchen :)

Now it is quite cosy

It is a bit bright here but now we know it is dimmable :)

We also played a round of chess after working on it for some time:

Since I am injured I was trying to find things to do so I baked some bread:
I thought it was amazing until I tasted it...
Kind of like eating raw dough. Still got some work to do. 

This is a ginger, kurkuma and pinapple drink that mom and I tried, it is supposed to help with pain.
The real pain is drinking it. Did I mention there is pepper and chili in there? 

Lino and I also helped Annika finish building her models for her final project of the semester:

It is crazy how much time she needs for these things, we helped from 10:00 until 18:00, had we not been there she would have had to work until one in the morning. Some of there others who were there had already worked the whole night before! Architecture really is not an easy course to take. 

This is my Thermodynamics working state:
Just a laptop, a tablet, the questions, my notes and notebook for answering questions.
Not an easy course either. 

Next week we will be going to Sweden so the next blog will be very interesting! Probably less food and more snow. And more pictures of thermodynamics. Exams coming soon!!


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