
Showing posts from May, 2024

A very french weekend

Arrived in Paris at 20:43! First things first: say hello to Adam! He is learning to do the silent laugh! One step before the actual laugh Don't know who was enjoying himself more, Ded or Adam. He is really very sweet Next day: Look how sweeeet! Adam can now focus on certain patterns / images: Then we took Ded to the pool, ie we took the very proud grandpa pushing the pram to the pool And Hadar and I went to have lunch :) Sleepy baby waking up from his nap I thought this was quite funny Inquisitive baby Hadar showed me a new way of burping Adam And then we went to Hadar's "physiotherapy" for after pregnancy. After that we had a very angry ice cream: (took way to long to find the ice cream so we were both stressed but we wanted "to have a moment", so this was the moment - as you can see Hadar is very happy) While Ded went to pick up Tata from the airport, I had some time with Adam :) And then look who it is!  Tata met Adam :) Or should I say, Adam met Tata! Ev

Got totally spoiled by Lino's parents

Lino's parents came to visit: We had supper at home friday evening because it was poouuring outside And a buffet breakfast too! Made shakshuka for us :)  Nice to have something new for breakfast, not only always müsli ;) Then we showed them the Turmberg, have the whole view of Karlsruhe Us posing on the top: And we sat in the beergarden with the view: We also wanted to show them the castle but we were't allowed in because there was "maintenence". Turns out it was Scholz who came to visit Karlsruhe, but they coudln't tell us that And another beergarden in the evening :) Next day we did go to the castle and were let in  This is the "Schlossgarten" And you can see the train from the top of the castle - the train goes through the whole park on the weekends It is a real "Dampflock", makes smoke and noise and all And I found my rightful place on the throne Showing my power And I forgot to take my sunglasses to the top so here we are sort of grimacing