A very french weekend

Arrived in Paris at 20:43!
First things first: say hello to Adam!

He is learning to do the silent laugh!
One step before the actual laugh

Don't know who was enjoying himself more, Ded or Adam.

He is really very sweet

Next day:
Look how sweeeet!

Adam can now focus on certain patterns / images:

Then we took Ded to the pool, ie we took the very proud grandpa pushing the pram to the pool

And Hadar and I went to have lunch :)

Sleepy baby waking up from his nap

I thought this was quite funny

Inquisitive baby

Hadar showed me a new way of burping Adam

And then we went to Hadar's "physiotherapy" for after pregnancy.
After that we had a very angry ice cream:
(took way to long to find the ice cream so we were both stressed but we wanted "to have a moment", so this was the moment - as you can see Hadar is very happy)

While Ded went to pick up Tata from the airport, I had some time with Adam :)

And then look who it is! 
Tata met Adam :)
Or should I say, Adam met Tata!

Everyone was quite comfy :)

Especially Adam

The next day (Saturday):
We had crepes and pain au chocolate for breakfast (really very french) and hummus (not so french)

Then Hadar, Brahim, Ded and Adam went to the doctor to get his first vaccinations:

And in the afternoon we all went for a walk in the park

Happy Dad 

Happy baby

Strolling along in the park (Hadar has a brace on her arm to help against "mommy's thumb")

A little snack along the way

Look at the elegant mother strolling along in the wilderness

And had some mocktails after

Look closely at Ded's face

It's the same expression!

Don't you think?

Tata was having fun with Adam too :)

See here he is telling us a very interesting story

Then on Sunday I went back to Karlsruhe for Thomas's birthday supper!



With three courses! The proper French appetizers, of course with proper French cheese from Paris

And then ratatouille and quiche, because if we are going French then all the way

With some red wine ;)
Finish it off with a lemon and fruit cake!

First time trying Lino's cake :) Very pleased

Finished off the evening with some games

Back to uni we go!


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