
Showing posts from July, 2023

Now its just a lot of exam prep and we are going craaazy

I decided to try a new recipe: caramelised onions First had to peel one kilo of onions Then chop them  and that tiny amount is what was left after it cooked! And then all together on Lino-made pizza dough :)  It was mom's Birthday! And the plant got so big that we had to hang it up! Before:  After!: The pictures from the tournament were published. Here I am playing doubles and look VERY focused: I have been helping at the kids badminton training and it is fun :) Here Daniel and Dennis (the two other trainers) are just messing around. Henri and I had a small bike trip along the Rhein, we did the 70 k in 2 h 45 m :)  And lots of yellow cars! Getting ready for exams, these are my math books with sticky notes so that I can find what I need: And I got a new phone! This was the first selfie :0, the camera should be better And then it rained a lot Also have this fancy wide angle now - here we were at badminton :) And had some friends over! Another wide angle ;) I like this setting   

The week I screamed too much (but for the right reasons)

First proper game of chess on the new board! Lino and I have been going cycling a lot right now - testing our max speeds on the racing bikes and to train for the triathlon. We did 30 k in an hour :)  Then we had to repot all the plants because they have grown SO much since the beginning of summer:  You can't see it in the picture, but the pot is huuuge And finally, one of the coolest (literally) things that happened:  the fridge and dishwasher arrived! :0 And with that also arrived a huge mess  But it's in place now and all is well (except for the fact that the dishwasher was broken, so still waiting for that) And then we went to meet Hadar and Brahim at Europapark! This is "Blue Fire" and was the craziest ride that we did, I literally held Hadar's hand and yelled "we are going to be fine" for the whole ride. This was our first ride and where the screaming began... We also had some calm rides, this one was water rafting  Lino was very content and set on

Shenanigins in Karlsruhe

I won first place in a badminton tournament :0 :0 Best prize for me: Lino's grandparents came to visit!  And this was the kitchen after they left  - to be fair, I did decide to cook like 8 dishes Spent sooo much time on my Konstruktionsaufgabe: Finally done!  Lino brought me some flowers because I was stressed. Too cuute! And here he is! Ready for the university 10k  And after! Then we finally got a stand for my bike so it doens't keep falling over... And we ordered a dishwasher! :) Finally I also had a swimming PB of 1 hr and 53s! And obviously lots of uni too - starting to prepare for the first exams coming up at the end of the month see you sooon :)