The week I screamed too much (but for the right reasons)

First proper game of chess on the new board!

Lino and I have been going cycling a lot right now - testing our max speeds on the racing bikes and to train for the triathlon. We did 30 k in an hour :) 

Then we had to repot all the plants because they have grown SO much since the beginning of summer: 

You can't see it in the picture, but the pot is huuuge

And finally, one of the coolest (literally) things that happened:
 the fridge and dishwasher arrived! :0

And with that also arrived a huge mess
 But it's in place now and all is well (except for the fact that the dishwasher was broken, so still waiting for that)

And then we went to meet Hadar and Brahim at Europapark!

This is "Blue Fire" and was the craziest ride that we did, I literally held Hadar's hand and yelled "we are going to be fine" for the whole ride.

This was our first ride and where the screaming began...

We also had some calm rides, this one was water rafting 

Lino was very content and set on doing as many rides as possible

While Brahim and Lino went to do "Silver Star", Hadar and I thought we would find a less scary ride. Well, we obviuosly did not:

From here onwards I started to get used to the rides, but I am still holding on to Lino for dear life:

After that we went to the waterpark section, but I couldn't take any pictures there :/
In the end we did every slide possible there! So in totall we spent 13 hours in the park.
The next day we were supposed to meet Brahim and Hadar at 8:30 for breakfast but then at 9:04 Lino sat up and said "Abi, it's 9:04!" and I have never gotten ready so quickly before.
But we made it and then had a game of kicker with Hadar and Brahim, who knew that Hadar and Lino were so good? 



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