Shenanigins in Karlsruhe

I won first place in a badminton tournament :0 :0

Best prize for me:

Lino's grandparents came to visit! 
And this was the kitchen after they left  - to be fair, I did decide to cook like 8 dishes

Spent sooo much time on my Konstruktionsaufgabe:

Finally done!

 Lino brought me some flowers because I was stressed.
Too cuute!

And here he is! Ready for the university 10k

 And after!

Then we finally got a stand for my bike so it doens't keep falling over...

And we ordered a dishwasher! :) Finally

I also had a swimming PB of 1 hr and 53s!

And obviously lots of uni too - starting to prepare for the first exams coming up at the end of the month

see you sooon :)



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