2. Semester! Let's go!

 Lino was sick for some time :/ 

But we have a nice view from our window :)

Trying out new recipes: Celeriac Steaks - pretty ok

 Lino build new shelves to hold more plant!

So we obviously had to get more plants...

 Including a mini rose bush!

It's getting warmer in Karlsruhe so the forrest is very lush:

We decided to go on a bike tour and invite some friends!
(This was a very fun but insane)

Here we went downhill

 And here it was flat

But it was not a flat ride! (2,000 m climb - in some places there was a 17% rise)

But we still had fun :)

We reached the top of one of the mountains!

And we had no rain :)

Back at home - we got some humungous beans!

And had a nice supper with the Henri's :)

Went to a badminton tournament - went aaaall right, not great but it was nice to be with the others and I won some body soap :)

University wise:
1. I am learning how to code c++
It is actually kind of fun, but first need to learn and understand the basics.
2. I am also learning to work with CAD.
Also quite fun. Much easier than c++ but more frustrating. Also still learning basics.
3. In Material Sciences we are learning all about steal! I can now tell you how steals are classified and labeled. Yay.


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