May in Karlsruhe

I found a very large jar of Tahini :) It is 1.5 kg!

We got one artichoke in the veggie box so we shared it - it is a very strange thing to cut in half

On the lookout for a new bike - the guy in the shop was very nice and talked to us for over an hour!

Had some friends over again :)

We have made quite a collection...

Thursday was a free day so we went on a bike ride :)

First pump up the bikes:

 I finally got a bike shirt! It has pockets in the back :)

Our route: from Karlsruhe to Heidelberg = 58 km one way

 Half way = more sunblock needed! (By now I had had 1 flat tires... so it couldn't get worse, right?)
 2nd flat tire - of course we had forgotten the pump so we had to keep asking people on the road if they have a one

3rd flat tire = had to cycle 3 km on a totally flat tire to find this public pump:

 Reached the top!

And then I got a 4th flat tire! And by now it was 19:00 and we 30 km left, so we gave up and took the train home. 

Next day:

Bought a new tire because the old tire was totally dead

That was disappointing but it happens.

And Michael came for 2 days.
We had a nice Syrian supper :)

Other than that, university is going ok. Is is harder to work when the weather is getting nicer and the work is a bit frustrating. At least holidays are soon :)

The end



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