Summer is now here!

Really nice flowers from Michael!

 Proof that I look like an egg in a swimming cap - but it really helps me be faster ( I did 3 k in 1 hour and 2 min :) :))

And Tata came for a visit! :)

We had supper....

 and cake....

And beer!

Then I went to Berlin and gave mom some cups from Ded:

And we were off to Leipzig!

But first! Sunblock

Then we leave Berlin

Bike selfie!

Taking a picture of taking a picture :)

 The wheat was so tall!

Reached 100 km!

Arrived in Lutherstadt Wittenberg:

 very tired...

and liked the platter clean :)

Next day!

Got to tour the city first!:
 this is the door that Luther hamered those 95 theses on to

And mom with her bike pants and sun glasses😎😎

 Very cool!

obviously, also my turn to pose as we leave Lutherstadt

An emergency picnic! We needed food NOW

And the first sign for Leipzig!

 and the second sign!

Here I was annoyed because my bottom hurt - but we were almost there....

Got to make sure that we really did make it 

I thought these trees look cool

Arrived at Leipzig Hbf = Food!! (I was very excited)

Back in Karlsruhe 

I got a new bike!!! Finally :) it is SO cool
 with a very big lock 

And that's it!

Got a lot to do right now - more updates to come



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