Everything right before Christmas

Lino had to prepare a maths seminar
This is him shooing my phone away so he could start his practice presentation:

And then we had another one at the University with a real chalk board:

I think it was good and it looks cool :)

Then I made some veggie pancakes, they don't look amazing but they were really good!

And Anja sent us a VERY spicy hot-sauce, this is Lino shaking the bottle for us to try
(We didn't have anymore that evening becuase we were traumatised by the first bite)

Shopping for the practice wedding cake:

We baked the cakes in the evening, these are all the cooled cakes in the morning:

The kitchen was a bit of a mess
Just a bit

My workstation:

This is the lime strawberry cake:

And the Nuss-Nougat cake:

After a crumb-coat comes the frosting:

We had to empty out our fridge to make space

These were the original decorations but they didn't come off the paper :(

We had to stick wooden dowels into the cake to make sure it stayed upright:

And then I set off on decorating:

This was with two layers:

and then three! (It does look better like that)

We were quite tired after that so had a very very quick pasta :)

The next day we had to cut the cake so we could give it to as many people as possible! Waaay too much cake in the house.

And this is to show how spicey the hot sauce is:
This amount really was enough

With leftover cake we made truffles:

And then we helped Annika (who studies architecture) to build some models for a final project.
These are models of big wooden blocks that are a sustainable way to build indoor walls:

This is a quiche I made with leftover egg whites and milk from the cake (Lino said it wouldn't work but I think he realised it did when he ate it up :))

Aaand we had a lot of cookies to take to Berlin:

This is Lino making a small serving board for his grandparents, they liked it a lot!

And this was our christmas present for Lino's parents: It's a copy of "Hello Fresh" with our own recipes and ingredients. They also liked it :)

That's it for now. 
Merry Christmas!



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