Back to uni for the 4th semester!

First we enjoyed the nice weather by going inline skating :)

We were trying to find things that wouldn't hurt my back.
This soort of worked, we went slower.

And we finally decided to replace all the dead plants in the house. Ooopsie, not all the plants were so happy.

I organised a bag of presents for Luzie, she is one of the organisers from our badminton club. She is having her baby very soon. 
After being in Paris with Hadar, I knew exactly what I had to buy, so that was very helpful!

I was trying to find new recipes for asparagus, since it's "spargel-time" 
This coconut curry was quite nice, it's good when the asparagus isn't over-done.
I found out that you are supposed to cut the asparagus at an angle, don't quite remember why but you are supposed to.

I managed to basically destroy my embroidery because my water bottle spilt in my backpack and made the ink spread all over the place. 
I'm just going to continue and try to find a way to cover the spots.

I also had to redraw the number and letters on the chessboard cause I did them wrong the first time, woppsie

After double checking like 3 times (so 9-checking) I think it is right now

I also went on a hike here in Karlsuhe! It was in the outskirts and it was b-e-a-u-tiful!

From here you could see all of Karlsruhe

Then Lino and I started working on Annika's birthday cake.
The vision: A giant cake macaron surrounded by many perfect little macarons.
Did that work so well?
Hmm well,
first batch of macarons:

Looking good

Looking really good!

oooh nope they were a complete fail
(Behind those you can see our second batch, which weren't so great either and I didn't bother to take a picture of the third batch, they look like tiny UFO's)

But at least we do know how to make cakes!
First Lino baked the sponges and then we cut them into shape:

The next day we covered them in icing and fondant

By the way, making buttercream is haaard. This stuff. You need to mix it by hand so that you don't get rid of the air that you whipped in before this whole thing, and then you have to mix it so long until all the butter is incorporated, and then if it's too cold then it won't work but if it's too warm it also won't work! And then if you put it in the fridge overnight, you have to start all over again!

But it does look very pretty, now doesn't it ;)

This is the base layer, the buttercream surrounding strawberries.
We let this cool a bit so that it would be able to hold the top.

And this is the macaron cake:

surrounded by lots of mini but not so perfect macarons 😂

We also brought a peanut butter rice noodle salad with us, I thought it looked quite pretty :)

Then Anni cut the cake!

And this is what it looked like from inside

Back to our house, I have been trying a few new recipes. This is a savoury chickpea crumble and Lino and I were both astounded at how good it was!
(I am collecting all of the good recipes in a google drive folder. Link:

This is proof that I do lay down. My back was aching so I spent a good part of sunday like this.

And then I wanted to show off how vegan food is not boring, as this looked and tasted quite spectacular. 

To end the week: Lino practiced his presentation and I tried to understand.

Now uni should kick off and we'll see how that goes. Very interesting but challenging courses to come!



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