Finishing off exam and then.... surprise!

Lino built me a desk to stand at :)
This is him oiling all the pieces

And it's done!

And we made a feast with Anni and Thomas!

I made msabbaha, basically deconstructed hummus, that was quite nice

Also some cauliflower bechamel 
Basically all I did was study and cook

Yeah see, that's really all I did
I think I took a picture of this one cause it tasted good

My desk :)

Did I mention that cooking is all I did?? 
This was a moussaka I made for when Thomas and Anni came again

We also made Brötchen cause we had some fresh yeast.
Look how big they got in the oven!
At first Lino was super sceptical, he didn't want to take them to the Spieltag the next day but after tasting them he didn't want to take them because he wanted to eat them himself!😂😂 So I think they were quite succesful

The PSK (our badminton club) had a big supper together for the last Spieltag of the season
Lino was so tired he even agreed to having a cocktail. I had to make some photo evidence of this occasion. 

And then... the 19th of March
We had planned a small birthday supper for Henri, since his birthday is on the 20th

With a small cake

But then!

Adam arrived!!

I have to say, I was not very focused on maths on that day.
In the morning I got a message from mom that they were in the hospital:

Hadar was having such an easy time that she even had a nap

(Just kidding, this was after the epidural, before that it wasn't so easy)
Then I didn't hear from mom for some time and then boom!
I get this picture:

Welcome Adam! :)

So for the rest of the week it was a bit of a debate when to go to Paris.
In the meantime, Lino and I baked some macaroons to practice for Anni's birthday:

And I wrote my last exam

And dressed up as (guess who) for Purim

(James Bond)

And then I took the most spontaneously planned trip to Paris to meet my nephew!
(We don't have to mention that because it was so spontaneous I barely found a ticket and did have to pay a liiiitle bit more, oopsi)

Paris blog coming next!



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