Onwards and upwards

Janik and Pablo (Lino's best friends from Berlin) came to visit!
May have cooked a little bit too much... oopsi

But they enjoyed themselves :)

And I found the best pita bread in Karlsruhe! Lino and I were both amaazed

Also finally got myself to drink tea with milk (batista oat milk) and ooook, yeah it makes a lot more sense like that.

And also made a toasted cheese sandwich for myself! Enjoyed it together with Lino :)

On the public holiday we went geocashing with Thomas, Anni and Henri

Look at the three of them sauntering down the street

Fluiddynamik lecture, couldn't write so much down so quickly, so I took a picture

Then on the weekend we went to Bonn to visit Lino's grandparents.
They live on the outskirts of Bonn, look at the view!

They got fresh asparagus from the farm nearby

And Friedi showed us old fotos and videos on his mini beamer

Breakfast on the balcony :)

And walks through the fields

This is the house from outside

And on my walk I saw some sheep! They were so sweet

Lino also joined me later on :)

We had "Kaffee und Kuchen" with his grandparents and great uncle. Finally met Lino's other grandma. 

And yes, I had my own slice :)

On Sunday I made a quiche and we had the meal together before we left.


Back home, have to say I was happy to have a vegan meal again

And we passed by Ditsch on the way home and since I wanted a pretzel I got it! 
Lino helped me though...

Can we just appreciate the size of this slice of bread? This is the famous bread from Bonn that Lino loves. 

Also appreciation for tea with milk. Very glad to have that.

And Anni and I are going to try out to send each other new recipes each week and try them out. This one was great!
This way I also am forced to cook things that I avoided cooking (like pasta) so let's go!!

I think uni is going quite well, I am on top of things. The questions are challenging but I am focused right now. Topics are also interesting, especially catalysts for energy technologies. 



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